Home Faith A Harmonious Whole

A Harmonious Whole

by Yehudis Golshevsky
Rebbe Nachman of Breslov taught…

“When earth and heaven kiss” is a description of a person finding peace within himself. Earth is like the body, and heaven is like the soul… When they exist in harmony, it is possible to pray fully and also be blessed with an abundant livelihood.
(Likutei Moharan I:14)


What does this mean to me?
In this lesson, Rebbe Nachman teaches about the dynamics between the body and the soul; how they are brought into harmony and the further-reaching effects on the world when our physical and spiritual selves are at peace with one another. One of the elements that he discusses in the lesson is the relationship between prayer and earning a living. In the proper balance, they become like two interlocking halves of a whole; we pray not only for our spiritual needs, but also for our physical needs. At the same time, our focus on our physical needs is all about how the material is in the service of the soul. In this way, the body serves the soul, and the soul serves the body so that it can, in turn, serve the purpose of the soul.


A prayer:


Please, G-d,
Let my body and soul
Act in harmony.
May my body become holy and pure
Until it is at one with my soul
And I can truly fulfill all of Your mitzvot.

Then I can achieve
Everything You desire of me,
Willingly and with great happiness.

My body and soul will be united
In love and peace
To do Your will in joy.

Then I will be able to reach a unity
Which is complete,
And present my prayers to You
In perfect peace and joy.

(Between me and You, p. 34)

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